SPICI is an innovative startup founded by a pool of managers, academics, and professionals in the field of scientific research, digitalization, entrepreneurship creation, and international development.

The true social capital of the company is its Members: internationally recognized personalities, innovators who have often anticipated trends in the economy and technology. Moreover, SPICI counts among its members leading companies in their sectors of intervention.

Spici is a design and development workshop for innovative tailor-made apps and digital solutions, capable of meeting the challenges of digital transformation for businesses and Public Administration. SPICI’s priority areas of operation are represented by the Cultural and Creative Industries and Green Transition sectors, with a specific focus on Digital Economy, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, and Cybersecurity.

SPICI also represents a hub for innovation and an international accelerator, designing and supporting scientific cooperation programs, entrepreneurial development, technology transfer, and internationalization for startups, university spin-offs, and innovative SMEs.

SPICI’s innovation lies in offering “integrated” technological and consultancy services, from an open innovation perspective, responding multidimensionally to the needs of public and private clients who simultaneously need to undertake a digital and organizational transformation process, innovate their offerings and contents, and open up to an international dimension.

SPICI’s Management implements a quality policy according to the criteria and prescriptions dictated by the UNI EN ISO 9001 standard, as a tool that can allow continuous performance improvement, optimization of human resource management, and achievement of greater visibility and reliability at the national and international level. These prescriptions will be met throughout the validity period of the certification.

Considering the context in which it operates and the related risks, SPICI aims to be a reference center in the regional, national, and international digital innovation ecosystem, with the following general objectives:

  • Design and develop products and services for the digital transformation of businesses and Public Administration.
  • Design and develop open innovation acceleration programs for large companies and multinationals.
  • Design and manage international scientific cooperation programs, entrepreneurial development, technology transfer, and internationalization for startups, university spin-offs, and innovative SMEs.
  • Promote advanced training in new technologies, designing and participating in the creation of Academies and working with specialized academic and industrial centers.
  • Design and participate in urban and industrial regeneration programs and projects leveraging digital innovation.
  • Design and participate in programs, projects, and initiatives for social regeneration through the promotion of digital culture.
  • Use quality as a means to fully ensure the services provided to the Customer and to strengthen the capacity to respond efficiently to current needs and the needs of internal and external Clients.
  • Use the quality system as a tool to promote internal growth and as an organizational model aimed at total involvement and continuous improvement of the staff’s technical skills.

These objectives are pursued through:

  • Meeting customer requests and a timely and rational use of resources.
  • Integrating into SPICI’s culture the principle of continuous improvement achievable through the satisfaction of all interested parties, defining the QMS criteria in relation to the internal and external context in which it operates, identifying risks and opportunities.
  • Valuing and involving staff who, with their skills and experiences, constitute SPICI’s first and irreplaceable resource.
  • Developing environmental sustainability as a distinctive approach in infrastructure management, service delivery, and innovation project development.

The Management emphasizes its commitment to developing and implementing the Quality Management System and continuously improving its effectiveness by verifying the achievement of the objectives set in the Management Review.


Naples, 08/02/2021

The President

Dr. Vincenzo Lipardi