On November 6, the annual edition of the Green Development Innovation Conference about innovation in the field ofsustainable development was held in Anji in China.

The program was supported by the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), the Chinese Ministry of Environment and Ecology and the Ministry of Housing and Technology, Urban-Rural Development, the Municipality of Huzhou, the China Center for International Science and Technology Exchange, Zhejiang Association For Science and Technology and coordinated by the International Technology Transfer Network (ITTN) and, on the European side, by SPICI.

Various experts from China, Russia, Korea, Italy and the United States presented examples of sustainable technologies and shared best practices for promoting the green economy. The guest speakers included:

  • Mario Malinconico, Research Director of the Institute for Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials of the National Research Council, and President of Atia-Iswa Italia;
  • Fu Xiaolan, Professor Technology and International Development, Founding Director, Technology and Management for Development Centre, Oxford University;
  • Soogil Young, Professor at the Department of Science, Technology and Society, State University of New York Korea, Director, Institute of Sustainable Development, Director, United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network Korea;
  • Patrick Paul Walsh, Professor International Development Studies, National University of Dublin, Ireland, Director, Sustainable Development Research Center, Consultant of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN);
  • Zhong Ping, Chairman, Advisory Committee of the United Nations Climate Technology Center and Network (CTCN), Researcher, The Administrative Center for China’s Agenda 21.