The winning startups of the China Overseas Talents Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition 2023 have been selected to advance to the Final Competition, which will be held in Anhui Province, China, on October 21 and 22, 2023.

The event, promoted by SPICI srl and the International Technology Transfer Network (ITTN) in collaboration with InnovUp, took place in Rome on September 15th and was the first Italy-China startup event to return to an in-person format after the Pandemic.

The competition featured 31 companies from Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Ireland, and Belgium. The jury, consisting of experts from the business, research, and finance sectors, awarded 11 finalist companies that will fly to China!

Congratulations to all participants and finalists: Implandata Ophthalmic Products, AraBat srl, OACP IE LTD, MotionsCloud, React4life, Optosmart, Alkubo – Personal Factory S.p.A., Aindo, Galvani Power, and, tied for the last place, Notredame and ZhongAn Insurance.

We also thank Lazio Innova and Huawei Technologies Italy for their valuable contribution and the Chinese Embassy in Italy for its participation.