The closing ceremony of the 2020 edition of the China-Italy Joint Laboratory on Advanced Manufacturing (CI-LAM) Academy took place on 11 September.

Between June and August, various training, matchmaking and joint research activities were organized for students, entrepreneurs and researchers of the two countries on topics related to Industry 4.0.

The CI-LAM, a bilateral platform established in 2017 is promoted by the University of Naples Federico II, the University of Bergamo, Campania NewSteel and SPICI on the Italian side, and by Tsinghua University and the China Sci-Tech Automation Alliance on the Chinese side.

In 2020, the activities of the program mainly took place online. The Summer School involved 69 students from 19 Italian and Chinese universities around the key issues and technologies in the field of advanced manufacturing.

The topics covered were: Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Energy, Predictive Maintenance, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, Robotics, Cybersecurity, DC Grid System and 5G. A series of 8 seminars and round tables was also held on the role of innovation in the field of advanced manufacturing and saw the participation of 35 startups and SMEs from the two countries.