The cooperation agreement between SPICI, ITTN and IRAMOT, which was signed in June, aims at co-creating a joint technological cooperation and innovation program. The latter will act as a platform for cross-border networking between Italy, China and Iran and for the promotion and support of national and international initiatives launched by the three governments in the fields of S&T, research, technology transfer and innovation.

The strategic cooperation agreement between SPICI, ITTN and IRAMOT was also designed to promote and develop joint research activities and exchange best practices in the field of innovation and technology management, as well as to publish specialized reports. It aims at encouraging visits of delegations in each country, undertaking joint efforts to leverage the financial support made available by each government, encouraging cultural and scientific exchanges for the cultural, educational, technological and entrepreneurial growth of each country.

The agreement represents an opportunity for the partners to expand international networking in order to strengthen systemic relations between Chinese, Italian and Iranian players in the fields of innovation and technological development.

One of the first activities already launched regards the participation of technological and innovative projects developed by Iranian startups, SMEs, spinoffs and research groups in the Zhongguancun Forum (ZGC) 2021, which will be held in Beijing from 26 to 28 September 2021.