The activities of the European Digital Innovation Hub – Heritage SmartLab started in November 2022. Heritage SmartLab is the European hub fully focused on the digital transformation of the cultural heritage and cultural and creative industries sector, a central sector in the Intelligent Specialisation Strategies of Campania, Basilicata and Puglia, which will be headquartered in Matera, European Capital of Culture, and two hubs will be based in Naples and Bari.

Heritage SmartLab is one of 136 European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) selected and funded by the European Commission in the 27 countries of the European Union, with the aim of supporting the digital transition of SMEs and PA, with particular reference to the technological domains of Artificial Intelligence, High Performance Computing and Cybersecurity.

The EDIH, which in Campania is based in East Naples, serves the digital transformation of start-ups, SMEs and the Italian and European PA, offering free demonstration and prototyping services, support in accessing finance, Academies and advanced training programmes, Open Innovation and Acceleration initiatives, technology brokerage and matchmaking activities between supply and demand for innovation at international level.

The project is the result of the convergence of intentions and commitments of important realities based in our territory, including: the lead partner Basilicata Creativa, and the other partners Sviluppo Basilicata, the Basilicata Digital Innovation Hub, the Lucanian Clusters on Aerospace, Energy, Automotive, and for Campania and Puglia the MedITech competence centre, Iniziativa srl and of course SPICI srl – which also coordinated the writing of the project proposal.

The users will have 4 ports of ACCESS to EDIH, through:

  • The enhancement of the technology and service offerings of companies/SMEs and start-ups participating in the Digital Innovation and Acceleration Program;
  • Working on the demand for new technologies and digital solutions, to help companies in need, through participation in the Open Innovation Program;
  • The HSL Talents’ Academy training activities;
  • Activities for the national and international creative community, citizens and the entire innovation ecosystem, through major Annual Events.

The various users/customers interacting with EDIH will become part of a creative community and will be able to embark on a Digital Innovation Journey through the various customised services that will be made available to them, including Test Before Invest or support in the search for tenders and funding.