The fifth edition of the CI-LAM Summer School is set to begin, promoted by the University of Bergamo, the University of Naples Federico II, and Tsinghua University in Beijing, with the support of SPICI.

The opening ceremony will take place in Bergamo on July 14th, welcoming the students who will attend this year’s Summer School in person from July 17th to 21st, at the San Giovanni a Teduccio Technological Hub of the Federico II University of Naples.

The China-Italy Lab on Advanced Manufacturing is a bilateral cooperation platform between Italy and China, established in 2017, to promote and enhance scientific cooperation between the two countries in the field of Smart & Advanced Manufacturing.

The Summer School is aimed at students enrolled in Master’s degree courses and PhD programs, with the goal of providing insights on the state of the art and future research directions on relevant advanced technologies.

Learn more by visiting the website

Below are the program details: