SPICI has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Association APEUR (Associazione Progettisti Europei) with the aim of developing common projects and initiatives related to social innovation, digital transformation and support for business creation, by promoting actions in the field of cooperation, internationalization and training.

APEUR is an association that promotes the development of the profession of European project specialist for operators in the public and private sectors. To this end, APEUR provides specific services in the field of promotion and training regarding the profession of European project specialist, the field of europlanning and European funds.

Through the Memorandum of Understanding, SPICI and APEUR aim to develop common projects and training activities and technical assistance to Public Administrations and small and medium-sized enterprises, using the expertise of APEUR in the field of europlanning and training and the skills of SPICI in the field of internationalization, international cooperation and urban regeneration.