Educare in Comune” is the program promoted by the Department for Family Policies of the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers, which aim is to reduce educational poverty and social exclusion of the most disadvantaged and vulnerable children and young people, at a time in which the health emergency linked to COVID-19 has exacerbated inequalities and socio-economic gaps.

The program intends to encourage the initiation, development and implementation of projects aimed at experimenting and consolidating community welfare models and services, aimed at young people.

In particular, the program includes actions in three thematic areas: “Family as a resource”; “Relationship and inclusion”; “Culture, art and environment”.

In collaboration with various Italian municipalities and in partnership with the MANN – National Archaeological Museum of Naples, and with the Association “Casa del Contemporaneo” , our company has contributed to define actions and initiatives aimed at developing cognitive, creative and social capabilities of children and teenagers, bringing them closer to new digital technologies, in order to promote social inclusion.

With these projects, SPICI strengthens its offer, aiming to make digital culture a tool for enhancing the experiential dimension of teaching, favouring a laboratory approach in the use of technology, and promoting a digital culture as a real tool for creating cultural, creative, artistic contents.

For Italian municipalities, the creation of dedicated spaces, the “Creative and Digital Education Lab“, will be an opportunity to strengthen the digital and creative skills of their communities, starting from the children.

In particular, with these projects, the objective is to equip each Municipality with an experimental play-creative center, a LAB capable of involving students, teachers and families in the use of digital technology in an innovative way, learning by the hands–on experience of the Science Center.

In addition, each LAB could act as a possible territorial hub within the European strategy outlined in the “Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027)“, promoted by the European Commission for enhancing high-quality, inclusive and accessible digital education within EU Member States.

The strategy provides for the establishment of a Digital Education HUB, aimed at linking national and regional initiatives and players, to support intersectoral collaboration as well as the creation of new models for the exchange of digital educational content.