The fourth edition of the Summer School organized within the CI-LAM, China-Italy Joint Laboratory on Advanced Manufacturing, and promoted by the University of Bergamo, the University of Naples Federico II and the Tsinghua University of Beijing is starting.

The CI-LAM Summer School will take place from 18 to 22 July 2022, with a double daily appointment in mixed mode, online and in person. Two physical classrooms in Bergamo and Beijing will be connected live and will allow a comparison between the participants on issues related to industry 4.0. The online mode will, on the other hand, be available to students from other countries. Students enrolled in a master’s degree course in engineering or a doctoral degree in engineering can participate. The application must be submitted by 12:00 on Friday 01 July 2022.

The CI-LAM bilateral platform, established in 2017, aims precisely at promoting research and development in the field of advanced manufacturing between Italy and China. Researchers, students and working groups of partner universities carry out laboratories and joint research activities assisting the operators of the innovation ecosystem in the manufacturing sector, especially small and medium-sized enterprises and startups, helping them to embrace innovative technologies and promoting matchmaking activities. The project also includes training, exchange and mobility programs for students, academics and professionals.