The China Zhongguancun (ZGC) Forum 2021 was inaugurated on September 24 at the Zhongguancun Technology Park, one of China’s major high-tech industrial development zones. The Forum is considered one of China’s main platforms promoting international cooperation in science and technology.

Open until September 28, the Forum is promoted by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, the China Association for Science and Technology and the Beijing Municipal Government. It is coordinated by several international organizations, including the International Technology Transfer Network and, in Europe, SPICI.

The 13th edition of the program focuses on topics related to the digital economy, life sciences, sustainable development, artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge technologies.

Numerous experts, academics, entrepreneurs, investors, researchers and representatives of leading international organizations gathered with the aim of strengthening the exchange of knowledge, talents and skills.

A recorded speech of Chinese President Xi Jinping inviting all countries to strengthen international cooperation was broadcasted at the opening ceremony.

On September 27, SPICI coordinated the participation of Italian and international experts and academics in several working sessions for the sharing of best practices in the field of technology transfer.

During the opening working session, Vincenzo Lipardi (President of SPICI), Roberto Termine (Researcher at the National Research Council) and Bankole Oloruntoba (Chief Executive Officer, Nigeria Climate Innovation Center (NCIC)) were invited to give a speech.

The special session “Cooperation on Technology Transfer between Universities“, instead, focused on the matchmaking of the best international universities. Italian Professor Sergio Cavalieri, Pro-Rector for Technology Transfer and Innovation of the University of Bergamo, took part in the session.

During the session “Matchmaking for European and Eurasian Technology Transfer“, Italian Professor Plinio Innocenzi, former Scientific Advisor at the Embassy of Italy in China, delivered a speech on international cooperation for innovation and cross-border technology transfer.

Vincenzo Lipardi presented SPICI’s strategy as a bridge between Europe and Asia, as well as the company’s activities and latest international projects in collaboration with China, Iran, Africa, Japan, Georgia and the United Arab Emirates.

The day ended with the session “Matchmaking for Technology Transfer between America, Oceania, Asia and Africa“. Bankole Oloruntoba discussed the potential for cooperation between China and Africa in the field of technology transfer.