SPICI is one of the four companies selected by Campania Region to partecipate in theGITEX TECHNOLOGY WEEK – DUBAI 2021” – the main international IT event for Middle East, Africa and South Asia in relation to the sectors of Multimedia Technologies, Information Technologies, Mobile Telephony, Communication Systems, Information and Communication Technology – scheduled in Dubai (UAE) from the 17th to 21st of October 2021, as part of the Expo.

SPICI was indeed chosen to represent the regional ecosystem: it will be one of the guests of the regional stand, participate in the numerous sessions scheduled, take part in b2b meetings, and meet important IT companies from the United Arab Emirates and other countries.

Participation in international fairs and events is carried out within the “Multiannual Program of Transversal Actions for the Internationalization of the Regional Economic and Production System” (D.G.R. n. 527/2017), funded by POR CAMPANIA FESR 2014-2020 – O.S. 3.4 – Action 3.4.3.